LogrisTheBard I think one important thing to know is that since the alUSD won't be in circulation until it is borrowed from an overcollateralized position, this isn't quite the same thing as "printing alUSD". For reference, FEI and MakerDAO are doing the same thing with rari and aave respectively.
The advantage over doing this in the alchemist contract is that in Alchemix, only DAI (and later more stables) can borrow alUSD. Whereas in the rari fuse pool, we could have eth, wbtc, and other collateral types, which would turn it into a mini makerDAO of sorts, and expand the ways in which people can acquire alUSD.
FWIW, I'm in favor of rolling this out with a small amount -- no more than 5m alUSD. Then we can collect data on it to see what, if any, side effects it has on the Alchemix system.
Also, it is important to note, that since Alchemix v1 prohibits smart contracts from interacting with it, then it would have to be managed by an EOA instead of a multisig, and that is a whole can of worms I do not want to open.