Hi all.
So, with ETH fees obviously being out of control, is there really any way to test the alchemix system without spending thousands first time around? Seems that this protocol is kind of neutered to those looking to test invest with anything under 4 figures.
Having (foolishly) tried to do such a thing with 50dai, i will need to spend nearly 75 dollars to get some alUSD into the pool system, and then the return looks to be around 30% on ALCX, but it's not really competitive with other offerings for yield farming on DEFI competitors, where you can get better returns in stablecoin pools to mitigate some risk. It seem pointless to undertake the transaction for such a small number- so with a bigger amount of alUSD what are you guys seeing as the best options on this platform?
I'd appreciate anyone's thoughts or any info people might have for the future- seems like the right moment was summer 2021...! You might expect there to be a youtube about this but there's not much recent new info on the state of the protocol, so if anyone can point me to some relevant info that would be great too.
Thanks, and good luck!