Hi Alchemix Team, I was using the Alchemix V1 and took loan. How can I pay my remaing debt (alETH) and withdraw my collateral.
Many thank in advance for your help. Peter
alUser So for this issue, basically what you'd want to do is migrate your V1 position to our V2 vaults. Head over to https://alchemix.fi/ and look for "Utilities" in the navigational sidebar. There you can find the migration helper.
LeifOnEarth I'm not sure what issue you're encountering. If you could be a bit more specific (i.e. step by step what you did) that'd be great. And a better way to track everything would be to open a bug ticket because I don't really check the forums that often.
Similar question. Pretty sure I used the V2 when I took mine, but I can't for the life of me figure out why I can't repay or liquidate my current loan even though I have plenty of WETH ready to go. Any thoughts? Would send a pic but it says I'm not allowed
@n4n0 Would you be able to shed any light on the situation? What's the order of operations supposed to be? My loan was in alETH, it says I can repay with WETH, I have more than available than necessary to cover the amount of collateral deposited....... halp!