The purpose of this post is to provide context to the current alETH situation and to discuss potential paths forward.
Mainnet alETH vs L2 alETH
There are two distinct situations involving alETH right now that need to be remedied:
Mainnet alETH - The July 30th Curve exploit drained the entire alETH/ETH pool. This results in a direct loss to backing of alETH on mainnet. More information here: https://medium.com/chainlight/curve-finance-analysis-and-post-mortem-ba55f2b26909.
Multichain - Earlier this year, Multichain collapsed (details remain unclear). It is unknown if the alETH held by multichain is recoverable. The multichain mainnet alETH is backing for alETH bridged to Optimism. Therefore, there is a direct additional loss to the backing of alETH on Optimism. More information here: https://forum.alchemix.fi/public/d/429-aip-95a-multichain-response-optimism-and-arbitrum
Mainnet alETH - Status/Accounting
The below numbers are from on-chain analysis but have not yet been verified.
Pre-Exploit State
At the time of the exploit, the curve LP had 15,939 alETH/ETH. The AMO owned 4990 shares of the pool. The entirety of the pool was drained.
Post-Recovery State
The hacker drained a majority of funds in the pool. They returned all of these funds, representing a net recovery of 4820.5 alETH and 7259 ETH. These funds are currently held by the Alchemix Multisig.
The hacker left 3854 alETH in the pool, which was effectively able to be stolen via arbitrage. These funds have not been recovered.
AMO Surplus
Per AIP 95a, the alETH AMO had built up a surplus of 382 alETH. There was an additional positive slippage of 27 alETh from the withdrawal of the 8,000 tokens, leading to a total surplus of 409 alETH. This is excess backing that can be used to re-back alETH (Ie, this is 409 LESS alETH that would need to be recovered)
Bridger Surplus
Some arbitrageurs got stuck in the connext bridge. As per AIP-96 the protocol will reclaim 230 alETH from the arbitrageurs. This excess alETH will effectively act as recovered funds owned on Optimism that could be bridged back to mainne and bundled into the recovered funds to further re-back mainnet alETH.
MEV Profits
A few validators, most notably Coinbase, LIDO, and rocketpool, received over 500 ETH of tips from arbitrage bots after the initial exploit. In many cases, the majority of the profits these bots earned were paid directly to Coinbase among other validators. It is unknown at this time if Coinbase will return the ETH tips that represent the profit from the stolen funds.
Curve DAO
It is possible that CurveDAO will offer some level of financial assistance to LPers. The extent of this is unknown at this time, and Curve is still focused on the CRV/ETH exploiter who has not yet returned any funds.
Asset | Supply/Quantity/TVL | Link/Source | Notes |
Line Item | Amount | Units | Notes |
Stolen Funds | 15,939 | alETH/ETH | Estimated Quantity, Ratio TBD |
Stolen Funds owned by AMO | 4,990 | alETH/ETH | Estimated Quantity, Ratio TBD |
Recovered Funds | 4280.5 | alETH | - |
Recovered Funds | 7259 | alETH | - |
Unrecovered Funds | 3854 | alETH | - |
AMO Surplus | 409 | alETH | - |
Bridger Surplus | 230 | alETH | owned as OP-alETH |
MEV Returns | TBD | ETH | - |
Curve DAO assistance | TBD | TBD | - |
External Factors
Curve is currently undertaking analysis to determine the balance of all LPers at the time of the exploit. This data will be necessary to issue any form of refund to LPers.
Optimism alETH - Status/Accounting
The Optimism alETH situation is largely summarized here: https://forum.alchemix.fi/public/d/429-aip-95a-multichain-response-optimism-and-arbitrum
In short, Optimism alETH needs to be collateralized with either 882 alETH bridged from mainnet, or ETH donated to the transmuter, or a mix of both. Rather than burn these funds / transmute them, the ETH and alETH will be paired to create an AMO on velodrome. If this is done, then alETH on Optimism will be “fully-backed” relative to mainnet alETH (ie, curve situation notwithstanding). The supply of alETH on Optimism would then be able to contract via typical Alchemix mechanisms (debt repayment, transmuter), the contraction of the AMO, and users bridging back to Mainnet.
Potential Solutions
Mainnet alETH backing was lost. Not all of the funds were returned. Therefore the solution will require balancing the interests of restoring the backing (which benefits everyone with alETH including LPers), and returning funds to LPs (which benefits LPers directly), from the funds that were recovered from the exploiter and through other methods.
Note that the relationship between LPers and curve does not include Alchemix as an intermediary in that the Curve contracts were exploited, not Alchemix. In that manner, the Alchemix AMO is one of many LPers. Therefore, the baseline expectation is that absent other externalities in a plan, Alchemix does not need to use DAO resources (such as the treasury) beyond what has been recovered to make LPers whole. Alchemix’s priority with any non-recovered funds is to make alETH whole.
If all LPers receive an equal share of recovered funds, the net return is (7259+4280.5+230 aleth from bridgers) = 11769.5 alETH/ETH. The missing funds are 3854 alETH, of which the AMO owned 1206 alETH and LPers owned the rest. Subtracting the AMO surplus and a pro-rata share of the 230 alETH from bridgers, the remaining outstanding missing AMO balance is 725 alETH. The total refund would be 73.8% of what was lost. This will be a baseline for a few different calculations in the various solutions.
“Simple” Solution 1
Pro-rata to all LPers, use the treasury
If pro-rata is given to all LPers, then the treasury would still need to front 725 alETH (or ETH), as well as 882 alETH for Optimism, for a total of 1607 alETH or ~$2.6m.
In this solution, if more funds were to be recovered or gained later on that exceeded the amount the treasury spent to re-back mainnet alETH, there would need to be a follow-up distribution to LPers.
A few treasury positions could be utilized for this. Note that some assets are already being used for AIP95a, alUSD portion, and have been excluded:
Locked CVX unlocking 12/06/2023, worth $1.1m
Locked AURA unlocking 12/13/2023, worth $455k
ALCX/ETH protocol owned liquidity, ETH portion worth $270k
Velodrome alETH/ETH LP worth $1.8m (can/should only be used for Optimism portion)
Locked VELO - Worth $843k, but would likely OTC for much less
The sale of these assets would significantly dampen the growth of Alchemix especially with many DeFi tokens at/near lows relative to ETH. Many of these assets directly contribute to the revenue of alETH and circulating supply, and thus may have a positive feedback loop effect, where the loss of these assets requires alETH to shrink even more after the backing is restored. This situation is possible but is not recommended unless all other solutions have been explored and deemed unacceptable.
“Simple” Solution 2
Prioritize AMO first, LPers second
In this solution, the AMO receives the necessary funds first. This would ONLY apply to Curve exploit funds, NOT Optimism alETH.
In this situation, the AMO would receive 4990 alETH/ETH at the ratio of returned funds. This amounts to 3139 ETH and 1851 alETH. The AMO, and therefore alETH, would then be fully backed on Mainnet. Optimism alETH would be made whole through the velodrome treasury/bridging, per AIP 95a (which would go to an adjusted re-vote).
The remaining funds to LPers would be 4120 ETH and 2429.5 alETH. Additionally, the LPers would get the 409 alETH AMO excess and the 230 alETH recovered from bridgers. This would represent a total return of 7188.5 alETH/ETH. This would represent a return of 65.7% to LPers instead of 73.8%.
From here on out, all recovered funds would go to the LPers. Ie, any bridger or MEV recovery and/or Curve DAO assistance, if possible, would all go straight to LPers. (This assumes if CurveDAO assists they would pay in assets. If they paid in voting power or by other means, a different solution would need to be found). The DAO would need to determine the right balance of batch refunds. Additionally, the DAO could commit some treasury funds and the AMO surplus up front to decrease the gap between this scenario and the pro-rata option. Lastly, the DAO could commit to fill the gap between actual distribution and pro-rata distribution with the treasury in the future.
In this example, the 1206 alETH loss to the AMO is being transferred to LPers. Subtract the 409 alETH surplus and 230 alETH bridger surplus and the debt to LPers becomes 567 alETH. If the assumed AMO size is 8,000 alETH/ETH (based on estimated alETH to ETH ratio), at an estimated 10% APR, 1 year of AMO harvesting would be 800 alETH/ETH. So repaying the LPers could take 9 months.
Note that this solution is only possible because the exploiter returned funds to Alchemix instead of Curve. This solution would prioritize the backing of alETH and health of the overall system first, and LPers second, thus may not be as popular of an option for LPers compared to the first option. This is an important point for the DAO to consider, as LPers are necessary for the protocol to operate efficiently.
Solution 3
Refund LPers pro-rata, slowly re-back alETH
In this solution the AMO and LPers would all get a pro-rata refund of what was recovered. alETH would then operate as partially backed, where a portion of profits earned by the AMO would go towards re-backing alETH until full backing is achieved.
In this scenario, alETH may exist at a discount relative to the historical price of alETH. However, if the DAO commits to continuing to incentivize liquidity for alETH even in the event of an unwind using the treasury, then the last alETH holders would still earn substantial rewards which could effectively make them whole.
Other Options / Complexities
One option is to simply wait to see what Curve does, as the presence or lack thereof of financial assistance from Curve DAO could guide the decisions. For example, in “Simple” Solution 2, Lpers are estimated to have to wait 9 months to get what they are entitled to right now. However, if Curve DAO were to offer financial assistance, this 9 months could become a more reasonable figure.
When refunding LPers, it will need to be determined if LPers get alETH + ETH separately, or in the form of LP tokens.
Separate Distribution
This is easiest (provide alETH and ETH separately), as no LP math needs to happen. However, it does make it more likely that LPers will no longer LP (additionally, it creates gas costs to re-establish the positions). It’s possible new LPers fill in the void, but in the current market conditions it is difficult to attract new TVL.
LP Token Distribution
This is difficult as the recovered funds are skewed towards ETH and the balance of the pool is unknown, especially in a situation where alETH is not immediately re-backed. The DAO would be able to mint new alETH off of ETH backing to issue the correct backing if needed, but the accounting would take time to sort out. This approach is beneficial in that it is easy for LPers to remain as LPers (which is good for the protocol). This option is more worthwhile to explore in a situation where alETH is immediately rebacked. If alETH is not immediately rebacked, the pool balance is more difficult to predict and it may be less desirable for LPers to continue LPing.
Next Steps
The next steps are to determine if it is more worthwhile to await more information / potential fund recovery, to develop a more complex/robust solution, or to aim to proceed with one of the three proposed plans.