OK, so there are a few points to respond to here. Thanks to everyone for the comments, feedback and suggestions. I'll do my best to keep this response focused π
There seems to be general consensus (amongst the small group here, at least) on the following:
Allocate 20% of ALCX Treasury to the ALCX Token Reactor (36k ALCX => $10.5M @ $292/ALCX).
I estimate this will deliver an additional 124 TOKE in the next cycle, corresponding to a boost of 18% on the cumulative harvest for Alchemix.
Reallocate a maximum of 5 points from the ALCX/ETH SLP emissions (i.e. go no lower than 20%).
Consider reallocating some points from the DAI bonds (1 - 2 points?).
Emitting tALCX instead of ALCX
There have been additional proposals regarding the use of tALCX as an Alchemix emissions token. For example, for farming emissions, Alchemix would stake the ALCX to be emitted in the ALCX Token Reactor, and would instead issue the derivative tALCX tokens. This would then allow Alchemix to harvest additional TOKE, although it's difficult to model because of the Tokemak cycle-based rewards system.
Relating specifically to bonds, I can see that the Tokemak staking model would be a disincentive for cyclical bonders - both due to the additional gas cost to withdraw (request to withdraw, withdraw), and also because of having to wait for the cycle to complete after requesting to withdraw. This makes it much more difficult to be efficient as a "professional" bonder, and my take on these types of participants is that they should help to eat away the economic profits in bond discounts (i.e. so it settles around the 2 - 4% mark).
I can however see that tALCX may be useful in non-bonding scenarios, so would really like to explore that a little bit more...
- What is the appetite for reducing the DAI allocation (5% -> 3%) in order to redirect emissions to some form of TOKE collection (Bonds or other) ?
- Are there any other creative options for Alchemix to collect TOKE? (i.e. not mentioned here)
Based on all of the above, I will clarify in the initial post that there is an amendment to Proposal B), such that 20% of treasury is proposed instead of 40%. It seems like we still have some distance to go on whether to bond for TOKE or not.