For a new strategy to be added to Alchemix v2 and allowed to scale up, it must go through the following process:
- Internal Review, which includes:
a. A preliminary review to determine if the strategy is feasible to integrate
b. Research and Development to create the strategy/vault
c. An internal team audit
- A formal audit with Runtime Verification
We have limited scheduled audit slots with Runtime Verification, which can lead to long lead times between finishing a new strategy and passing the audit. The core team has many new strategies in various stages of R&D, and is able to conduct internal audits using knowledge learned from the past 10 months of v2 development engagement with Runtime Verification. While an internal audit is no substitute for a proper 3rd party audit, it is enough to warrant new strategies being released with very limited parameters, called Alpha Vaults.
The purpose of this proposal is to authorize all or some of the current R&D strategies to be released in Alchemix v2 as Alpha Vaults with extremely limited release parameters, rather than require individual governance proposals for each. Alpha Vaults will be marked as higher risk, but can grow by becoming Beta Vaults or Vaults as explained in the definitions below.
Alpha Vault - Passed internal review. The vault is limited to 1m deposit cap.
Beta Vault - Strategies that have not yet passed audit with Runtime Verification, but are permitted on a case-by-case basis to scale past the Alpha Vault caps. Reasons could include passing another 3rd party audit or review, longevity, or being forks of other Beta Vault / Vault strategies. The current stETH and rETh vaults can be considered Beta Vaults.
Vault - Passed audit with Runtime Verification, acceptable to scale these in line with other
The following strategies are in the R&D phase to determine if they are feasible to integrate:
Yearn Curve stETH/ETH
Status: Internal Review Complete
APR: 4.35%
TVL: $645 million
Note: This allowance would extend to other single sided yearn curve LP strategies.
Yearn Curve rETH/stETH
Status: R&D
APR: Not yet reported by Yearn
TVL: $12 million
Note: This allowance would extend to other single sided yearn curve LP strategies.
Status: R&D
APR: 2-8% depending on asset and strategy
TVL: $50k to $20m depending on asset
Notes: This would allow the core team to integrate any available vesper pool at their discretion.
Rari Fuse
Status: R&D
APR: Varies by Pool
TVL: Varies by Pool
Notes: This would allow the core team to integrate any available verified Rari Fuse pool at their discretion.
Tokemak Pair Reactors
Status: R&D
APR: 5-15%
TVL: Varies by Pool
Notes: This would allow the core team to integrate any available Tokemak pool at their discretion.
Fee: There is not currently an existing vault for Tokemak Pair Reactors, so Alchemix would provide the vault as part of the Tokemak integration. Alchemix would take a 1% management fee on the vault, and then the standard 10% cut of the yield.
Status: R&D
APR: 5-15%
TVL: ~$100m-1b
Notes: This would allow the core team to integrate any available stargate pool at their discretion.
Fee: There is not currently an existing vault for Stargate strategies, so Alchemix would provide the vault as part of the Stargate integration. Alchemix would take a 1% management fee on the vault, and then the standard 10% cut of the yield.
Status: Not started
APR: 10-15%
TVL: ??
Notes: Feasibility will likely depend on the theoretical outcome of a temporary stETH depeg
Status: Not started
APR: 10-15%
TVL: ??
Notes: Feasibility will likely depend on the theoretical outcome of a temporary stETH depeg
Status: Not started
APR: <1% (should scale up in coming months)
TVL: $10m
Notes: The APR is low while gearbox is in their guarded launch phase, but they are scaling up in the coming months. Gearbox deposits all their revenue in their lending pools - so integrating these pools could be a potential DAO partnership.
stETH Senior Perpetual Yield Tranche
Status: Not started
APR: 8% (paid in 7% LIDO and 1% ETH), plus IDLE gauge rewards (3-8% depending on multiplier).
TVL: $15m
Notes: stETH senior tranche is incentivized by LIDO to indirectly boost yield on the junior tranche.
Fee: There is not currently an existing vault for Idle Tranches, so Alchemix would provide the vault as part of the Idle integration. Alchemix would take a 1% management fee on the vault, and then the standard 10% cut of the yield.
Requirements to Release
Each strategy approved by this proposal must have passed all three steps of the internal review phase detailed above.
Release Parameters and Risks
When ready, each strategy will be released with an LTV of 50% and a deposit cap of $1m or 300 ETH. The maximum loss of each strategy will be set to 5 bps (0.05%). Separate proposals will be necessary to increase the deposit caps, on a case-by-case basis. The UI will display Alpha vaults in a separate tab, with language to indicate that they are unaudited.
Note if an integrated strategy suffers a total loss of funds, and assuming every user takes a maximum loan, the user will suffer 50% of the loss and Alchemix will suffer the remaining 50% loss due to the user having an undercollateralized loan. The strategy would be paused and the debt could be settled and then collateral returned to the user if the owners of the strategy make the vault whole. If they do not, the DAO would have to decide how to proceed.
Strategies Not Included
Note that Aave and Compound strategies (aTokens and cTokens) are in the process of being formally audited. stETh and rETh have already been launched with informal 3rd party reviews. Because these vaults are all past the alpha vaults stage, they are not included in this proposal.
Voting is multiple choice. Select all strategies you would like to potentially be integrated into Alchemix v2. All strategies with >50% of the vote will be approved for future integration as an Alpha Vault should they meet the requirements to be integrated.